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Learn how your customers truly feel about you, in just a few minutes – without the headache of sifting through endless reviews.

Just enter your company website to begin.
(or enter a competitor site to see what people think about them)

We analyse the first 50 Trustpilot reviews to generate insights.

Results for lipsum

Based on X Trustpilot reviews. for more review sources, or to analyse more than 50 reviews.

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Unfortunately, you don't seem to have enough reviews on Trustpilot; you need to have at least 10 for this to work. If you have more reviews elsewhere, for early access to other review sources.

How people are feeling about you overall

Out of X reviews: 0 were very positive, 0 were positive, 0 were neutral, 0 were negative, and 0 were very negative.

Praesent fermentum viverra cursus laoreet. Purus amet ornare habitasse eu eget montes, rutrum fames. Luctus potenti taciti sed potenti fermentum. Faucibus porta quam vehicula pellentesque integer ultricies. Facilisi hendrerit vel lectus odio potenti id tristique sem cubilia. Turpis dolor vestibulum lacus nec nisl tristique. Tempus etiam, luctus iaculis iaculis. Felis nisl ridiculus.

What people loved most

  • Molestie rhoncus sagittis ullamcorper duis cum ipsum gravida platea in.
  • Inceptos class massa iaculis lobortis etiam, parturient hac sociis tortor.
  • Ligula ut suspendisse turpis neque at rutrum amet libero nibh!

What people didn't like

  • Molestie rhoncus sagittis ullamcorper duis cum ipsum gravida platea in.
  • Inceptos class massa iaculis lobortis etiam, parturient hac sociis tortor.
  • Ligula ut suspendisse turpis neque at rutrum amet libero nibh!

Why people chose you
(over your competitors)

  • Molestie rhoncus sagittis ullamcorper duis cum ipsum gravida platea in.
  • Inceptos class massa iaculis lobortis etiam, parturient hac sociis tortor.
  • Ligula ut suspendisse turpis neque at rutrum amet libero nibh!

SWOT Analysis

Lorem Ipsum

  • Molestie rhoncus sagittis ullamcorper duis cum ipsum gravida platea in.
  • Inceptos class massa iaculis lobortis etiam, parturient hac sociis tortor.
  • Ligula ut suspendisse turpis neque at rutrum amet libero nibh!

Lorem Ipsum

  • Molestie rhoncus sagittis ullamcorper duis cum ipsum gravida platea in.
  • Inceptos class massa iaculis lobortis etiam, parturient hac sociis tortor.
  • Ligula ut suspendisse turpis neque at rutrum amet libero nibh!

Lorem Ipsum

  • Molestie rhoncus sagittis ullamcorper duis cum ipsum gravida platea in.
  • Inceptos class massa iaculis lobortis etiam, parturient hac sociis tortor.
  • Ligula ut suspendisse turpis neque at rutrum amet libero nibh!

Lorem Ipsum

  • Molestie rhoncus sagittis ullamcorper duis cum ipsum gravida platea in.
  • Inceptos class massa iaculis lobortis etiam, parturient hac sociis tortor.
  • Ligula ut suspendisse turpis neque at rutrum amet libero nibh!

How it works

Enter your website

Give us your website url (or a competitor’s website, to find out about them), and sit back. We’ll handle the rest.

We gather review data

We automatically gather customer reviews of your business, from Trustpilot. We use up to 50 reviews.

More review sources coming soon. for early access.

Get your insights

Using ChatGPT 3.5, we analyse the content of the reviews to instantly* generate customer sentiment, top trends, reasons they chose you, and a SWOT analysis.

*okay, maybe it’s not instant, but it’s fast, within a couple of minutes at the most

Try it for free

Analyse 50 Trustpilot reviews for free.
for more review sources, or to analyse more than 50 reviews.

Real Human Insights, Quickly

We all use real human customer reviews from Tripadvisor. Unbiased, with no corporate fluff. All analysed automatically in minutes, without needing hours to read through every one.

See how you compare to your competitors

Gain insight into why your customers chose you over your competitors. Or analyse your competitors directly to see what their customers are saying about them - and find where you can get an edge.

Concrete strategic direction

Get a SWOT analysis based on real actual customer feedback - that you can use as a roadmap for your business growth.

Focus your efforts

Find out where you Identify what your customers love and enhance those aspects. Understand the biggest problems your customers are facing.

Get your customer insights for free

Analyse 50 Trustpilot reviews for free.
for more review sources, or to analyse more than 50 reviews.